



A strategical multiplayer fantasy game based on the concept of chess made by the startup Code Arcs. As a junior UX-designer I mainly held interviews and users tests with the target audience to better understand the usability of the game and receive users feedback.

Wardens on Steam

Platform: PC | Role: UX-designer | Duration: 3 months | Team: 3 designers, 2 developers, 1 concept artist


The gameplay

A brief overview of the game. The units in Wardens follows the same movement as the units in chess. The main difference is that some of these units have their own magical abilities which makes the gameplay dynamic and eventful.


The way of working

We worked agile and applied the player-centered-design method, which means focusing on the mission, the mechanics, the motivation and the evaluation steps (manage, measure, monitor).


The user tests

Me and my colleague held 20 user tests where we asked our participants to playtest Wardens on a laptop while thinking out loud. The users were asked to answer a questionnaire and were afterwards interviewed. The gathered data was then documented and analyzed, this in order to understand which problems the user encountered during gameplay. We also wanted to ensure which aspects that satisfied the user the most.


The feedback

To ensure the gameplay functionalities were easy to comprehend, we presented different design-suggestions based on the feedback of the activities crucial for a player to use during a match. Since the aim was to create a smooth and rapid gameplay, the feedback had to be perceptually easy for the users to grasp.


Quick & dirty wireframing

Some wireframe-suggestions were made for the pages outside of the main gameplay. The mock-ups are made with Adobe Xd.


 Collaborated with: Linnea Gustafsson, Simon Ulander